The Conference ROCAM 2020 (7-10 July 2020) is CANCELED and RESCHEDULED


7-10 July 2020, Bucharest, Romania

Parallel Event: International Summer School on Crystal Growth and Advanced Materials for Energy Conversion (CANCELED)

Held under the auspices of ACADEMY OF ROMANIAN SCIENTISTS

The Jubiliary Conference ROCAM 2020 aims at presenting an overview of the latest developments in some topics on: single crystals and advanced materials theory, modeling, processing, characterization and applications.

©Foto: C.-M. Müller The opening plenary lecture will be presented by
Professor Klaus von Klitzing (Nobel Prize 1985),
"40 years Quantum Hall Effect: New Applications in Metrology"

Organized every three years, the ROCAM Conference is the place to be for scientists, students and industrialists willing to have a direct access to the community of international experts of advanced materials and applications.

The presentations will cover a broad range of topics from basic to applied science in relationship with major issues such as energy, environment, biotechnologies, electronics and optoelectronics. The conference will also be a unique occasion for students to introduce their work, some of them having the possibility to take part to the student speech contest, and for exhibitors to meet their customers.

Special keywords will be in attention: single crystals, nanomaterials, multifunctional, photovoltaic materials and metamaterials.

The topics of the Conference include:

  • Crystal Growth: Fundamentals, Modeling and Advanced Methods, Characterization and Applications
  • Thin Films and Advanced Functional Materials: Fundamentals and Applications
  • Nanostructured Materials and Applications
  • Emerging Materials
  • Electronic Materials and Devices
  • Advanced Biomaterials, Biodevices and Applications
  • Advanced Magnetic and Dielectric Materials and Applications
  • Advanced Organic and Carbon-based Materials and Applications
  • Advanced Materials for Energy, Solar Energy Conversions Environmental and Applications




Last updated: 07-04-2020





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