
Room A

WEDNESDAY 12:00-12:20 OrigaLys - A New Look at Electrochemistry Frédéric Dussaut( from OrigaLys Electrochem SAS)
12.07.2017 12:20-12:40 New trends in analytical techniques developed by Agilent Technologies Alin Mogos, (from Agilrom Scientific )
  12:40-13:00 The advantage of combining different metrology techniques for measuring surfaces. Surface metrology applications Albert Sanchez, (from SENSOFAR Metrology)
  13:00-13:20 EnviroESCATM – The Revolution of a Method Liana Socaciu-Siebert, Stephan Bahr, Michael Meyer, Paul Dietrich, Thorsten Kampen, Oliver Schaff and Andreas Thissen (from SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH)