
Stefan Antohe, University of Bucharest
Horia Alexandru, University of Bucharest
Florin Stanculescu, University of Bucharest (Program Chairman)
Anca Dumitru, University of Bucharest

Treasurer:   Marcela Socol, NIMP, Bucharest
Members:   Lucian Pintilie, NIMP, Bucharest - Magurele
 Marius Volmer, Transilvania University of Brasov
 Lucian Gheorghe, INFLPR, Bucharest - Magurele
Technical Committee:   Florin Nastase, National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies, Romania
 Claudia Nastase, University of Bucharest
 Silviu Vulpe, University of Bucharest
 Stefania Mazilu, “Carol I” Central University Library, Bucharest
 Liviu Nedelcu, NIMP, Bucharest - Magurele
School Book Editors:   Florin Stanculescu, University of Bucharest
 Florin Nastase, National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies, Romania