Science and Cinema: two ways towards creating reality

Date: 08 July 2015, 15:00
Place: RIN GRAND HOTEL, 13rd Floor

live transmission (15:00-17:00)


This round table calls for a discussion of two intearcting worlds in the making: science and cinema and what each of them can do in the benefit of the other one.

This roud table is intended for all interested in the way both -science and film- or each of them can help to a better understanding of the present world and the prefiguring of the future one. Masa rotundă se adresează tuturor celor interesați în modul în care amândouă -filmul și știința- sau fiecare dintre ele pot ajuta la un câștig în înțelegerea lumii actuale și prefigurarea celei viitoare.


Free and Open access: Everyone can participate.


Romanian. Questions can also be asked in english.


Marius Stan
Senior Computational Scientist at Argonne National Laboratory and Senior Fellow at University of Chicago and Northwesten University.
Marius was also featured as "Bogdan" in the TV series "Breaking Bad".

Ovidiu Georgescu
Film Director, Dean, Film Faculty, UNATC (National Theater and Film University)

Șerban Georgescu
Online Video Production Director, Producer, Director of Photography.

Andrei Dorobanțu
„Horia Hulubei” National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineeringd, Outreach and Communication Officer, ATLAS Cluster România.



Interplay between science and cinema, the overlapping set of tools, communication methods and creative approaches (presentation by Marius Stan)
Science and Film - two ways to (re)create realities.
          QUESTION: Which one would be closest to ...the „real” reality?
Physics, Neurosciences, Genetics, Computers - all these are VERY good stories.
          QUESTION: who is really prepared/willing to buy them?
There are „science inspired” and SF feature films and documentaries.
          QUESTION: How are they/ could they be an inspiration for „new” science and what (added) value could bring such inspiration?
Communication of science (sensibly more than „simple” outreach) is rather vital not only for public acceptance of science, but for its future as well.
          QUESTION: Who shoud do it - Journalists? Professional writers? Scientists themselves?


„A good story sells any news” - Axiom of TV News „... And we must try to make build stories that reach many people ...I think that this combination of realism and magic can be a key to the hgesrt of spectators and to eventually win the public lost...” - Ovidiu Georgescu („... Și trebuie să încercăm să facem povești care să ajungă la cât mai mulți oameni ...Eu cred că această combinație a realismului cu magicul poate fi o cheie către inima spectatorilor și de a câștiga până la urmă publicul pierdut...”)


The registration is free (without taxes).
The only condition is to be registered as ROUND TABLE PARTICIPANT at the Conference Secretariat.
The registration can be made by sending an email to the Secretariat of the ROCAM Conference, or directly at the Desk (of the ROCAM Conference).