The abstracts should be sent by email to the address: abstract@fpce1.fizica.unibuc.ro  
as .rtf or .doc file, in a .zip archive. 
In the subject line of the message indicate the name of the section!

Please do not fax your abstract !


1. Each paper must be written as one page, A5 format, with 2.0 cm margins all around (108 × 170 mm text area). The recommended font is “TIMES NEW ROMAN” type, 10 points bold for title and 10 point normal for abstract body.

2. The text of the abstract will be written with single line spacing.

3. The title will be centered and the author’s names and affiliations must appear on the next line after a free single-spaced line. The author presenting the paper should be underlined. A free single-spaced line will be placed between this information and the text of the abstract.  

A preformatted file, with abstract stiles, may be downloaded here.